Moon Base 99 | Music and Sound Effects

Devlog progress report

I added the first draft of the music to the game and it's glorious. I wasn't for sure on it at first, but after hours of testing I think it fits almost perfect. It was made by Retro Asobi @retro_asobi on twitter. He did a great job, it makes playing the game super chill. It kinda fades into the back ground while you move your little spacemen around. I could market it as a relaxing game maybe. 

I added a bunch more sound effects to the game. All from I got a pretty generic beep sound and with code I randomize it's pitch slightly for every press. I also found a radio static loop. When you select an astronaut it plays a clip from the radio static to make a kind of radio chirp. The chirp is taken from a different part of the audio clip each time, so there is variety. I found a military tank sound for the rover. It's on a audio2D node so it get quieter as it drives away which is a cool effect. I still need to find a sound effect for when you get a delivery of moon rocks. Like pebbles falling or maybe coins jangling or something. 

All these additions have made the game probably the best thing I've made so far. It's super simple and it just sort of fit together with out to much trouble. Once the music is fully sorted out and I test a bunch more then I'll be ready to put up a demo. I made the game restricted instead of draft. The password is Kubrick if you want to check it out.

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Jun 10, 2023

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